Our News items

Tuesday 14th January onwards, by Mrs Minor

Date: 13th Jan 2025 @ 6:47pm

From tomorrow (Tuesday 14th January) we will be back to our normal routine for drop off (8.45am) and collection (3.15pm) using the playground.
However, our ROBINS (Reception/Year 1) will still need to use our main building due to the broken heating in their area. Please drop them off at the playground gate at 8.40am as normal and they will be guided to their classroom by staff. They will need to be collected at home time via our porch area on the main playground, where staff will see them out once a parent/carer has arrived.
Thank you. 

Monday 13th January 2025 UPDATE, by Mrs Minor

Date: 12th Jan 2025 @ 2:15pm

Monday 13th January UPDATE:
School is running at the normal times. The playground is still frozen underneath the snow from inspection today and may not be safe before tomorrow. Therefore:
* Children will enter via the main office between 8.40am and 9.00am when the register will then close.
* Home time collection will be the same as the end of last week through the main office with staggered finish times as below:
3.00pm Robins (Rec/Y1) and older siblings
3.05pm Wrens (Y1/2) and older siblings
3.10pm Goldfinches (Y3/4) and older siblings
3.15pm Starlings (Y4/5) and Owls (Y6).
* Breakfast and After School clubs WILL RUN as normal. Please ensure you have pre-booked in.
* Forest School is CANCELLED tomorrow afternoon for safety reasons.
* Robins will be based in the main building again tomorrow.
Thank you for your support.

URGENT, by Mrs Clarke

Date: 9th Jan 2025 @ 9:33am

URGENT: School will be open from 10am as planned, but if you feel it is unsafe to travel, please do not bring your children in. Please take care

9.1.25 and 10.1.25 update, by Mrs Clarke

Date: 8th Jan 2025 @ 2:28pm

09.1.25 & 10.01.25 UPDATE
We have come to a decision about the plan for the rest of the week based on current information and discussions with the relevant authorities this afternoon.  Due to the predicted freezing conditions tonight and tomorrow night and in the early hours of Thursday and Friday we aim to be open however, with a delayed start and other adjustments to ensure safety for all. This will apply to both Thursday and Friday.
School will open from 10am and the register will be kept open until 10.30am.  Please come through the main office entrance as today and not the playground. 
There will be no breakfast or after school clubs on both Thursday & Friday this week.
Children will also not be going swimming this week due to them needing to walk there safely.
There will  be no celebration assembly on Friday.
The collection point and times at the end of the day will be the same as today:
3pm – Robins (Rec/Y1) to be collected via the main office exit.  Any of the Robins older siblings will also be able for collection then too.
3.05pm – Wrens (Y1/2) to be collected via the main office exit and siblings as above.
3.10pm – Goldfinches (Y3/4) to be collected via the main office exit and siblings as above.
3.15pm – Starlings (Y4/5) & Owls (Y6) to be collected via the main office exit. Children who walk home without an adult will also leave via this exit. 
We will however keep you updated of any further changes if they arrive.  As always, our main priority is keeping our children, families and staff safe. 
Thank you for your support.


UPDATE 8.1.25, by Mrs Clarke

Date: 8th Jan 2025 @ 8:58am

School will open at 10:45am. Please make your way to school carefully. 
Everyone to enter via the front door. 
KS2 children will arrive at 10:45 and KS1 and Reception from 11 am.

URGENT 8.1.25 delayed start, by Mrs Clarke

Date: 8th Jan 2025 @ 7:35am

URGENT. Due to the icy conditions in and around school we are delaying our start today and reviewing possible closure. We have to consider the safety of everyone coming to school including staff being able to travel there from areas outside of Northwich. There will be no breakfast or after school clubs including sports. An update will be given at 8.30am. Thank you.

Victoria Road Primary School
Victoria Road, Northwich, Cheshire, CW9 5RE