Design Technology at VRPS

"Technology makes possibilities. Design makes solutions." John Maeda



Design and Technology prepares children to perform everyday tasks confidently and to deal with tomorrows rapidly changing, increasingly technological world. Our curriculum is designed for our children to build and apply knowledge, understanding and skills in order to design and make prototypes and products for a wide range of users. Through our Design Technology curriculum, we encourage children to become independent, creative problem solvers who work effectively as individuals and as part of a team. Our curriculum is designed to enable children to identify needs and to respond to them by developing a range of ideas. Through the study of Design and Technology, we combine practical skills with the ability to critique, evaluate and test ideas and products considering social and environmental issues, as well as function. At Victoria Road we understand the importance of nutrition so in addition to designing and making functional and purposeful products we offer opportunities for our children to cook a variety of dishes that will develop their knowledge and understanding of what it means to eat a balanced diet.



Design Technology is taught in all year groups. Over the course of the year our children will engage in three units of work (to be delivered on a termly basis). Each year group, with the exception of Year 6, will undertake a unit of work relating to nutrition which is designed to develop our children’s understanding of where food comes from, the importance of a varied and healthy diet and how food is prepared.

 The teaching of Design Technology follows the National Curriculum. A clear rationale and skills progression has been mapped out for each year group to ensure progression year on year.

Our curriculum design enables our pupils to make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts. Through our plan, make and evaluate cycle our children learn to take risks, be reflective, innovative, enterprising, and resilient.



  • Children will understand the impact design technology has on their own lives and the world around them
  • Children will have the ability to manage risks to work safely and hygienically.
  • Children will select tools and materials appropriate to the task.
  • Children will demonstrate their knowledge and skills when using a range of tools.
  • Children will apply skills and knowledge across other curriculum areas.
  • Children will develop long lasting skills that can be used beyond school and into adulthood.
  • Children will investigate existing designs and use them to inspire their own.
  • Children will have the ability to carry out research and ask relevant questions to deepen their knowledge of the user.
  • Children will adapt and change their work where necessary.
  • Children will confidently discuss their products and the process involved in creating these.
  • Children will critically evaluate and test their products to ensure they are fit for purpose.



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Victoria Road Primary School
Victoria Road, Northwich, Cheshire, CW9 5RE