Monday 13th January 2025 UPDATE

Monday 13th January UPDATE:
School is running at the normal times. The playground is still frozen underneath the snow from inspection today and may not be safe before tomorrow. Therefore:
* Children will enter via the main office between 8.40am and 9.00am when the register will then close.
* Home time collection will be the same as the end of last week through the main office with staggered finish times as below:
3.00pm Robins (Rec/Y1) and older siblings
3.05pm Wrens (Y1/2) and older siblings
3.10pm Goldfinches (Y3/4) and older siblings
3.15pm Starlings (Y4/5) and Owls (Y6).
* Breakfast and After School clubs WILL RUN as normal. Please ensure you have pre-booked in.
* Forest School is CANCELLED tomorrow afternoon for safety reasons.
* Robins will be based in the main building again tomorrow.
Thank you for your support.

Victoria Road Primary School
Victoria Road, Northwich, Cheshire, CW9 5RE